The Marksman

As soon as I learned that Liam Neeson was in this movie, I knew it was going to be good! My dad loves all his movies, so I set up a movie night with my husband and parents to watch it. It was action packed, funny, heartfelt, and most importantly brought up a huge topic that is relevant to the issues happening with the US and Mexico border.

In the Marksman, Liam Neeson is Jim Hanson, a former Marine who lives as a rancher with a property on the Arizona border. Jim has fallen on hard times with the death of his wife and the financial ruins her illness left him in. He encounters a young boy, Miguel and his mother, Rosa as they are trying to cross the border while desperately fleeing the cartel. Rosa’s brother stole money from the cartel and pays with his life. The cartel spot Rosa and Miguel just as they cross the border. Before they can make an escape, Jim intercepts them and gets caught in a mess. The cartel kills Rosa and Jim kills the brother of a prominent cartel member. Rosa’s dying wish is for Jim to ensure that Miguel makes it to Chicago to be with his family. Jim tries to rely on the authorities to protect Miguel, but once its evident that they will release him right back to the cartel, he takes matters into his own hands.

Throughout the movie, Jim is conflicted about fulfilling Rosa’s dying wish to ensure Miguel gets to Chicago. Jim talks to Miguel about the Chicago hot dogs and how delicious they are.

Make sure to watch the movie and see where they end up. I will be celebrating by eating the famous Portillo’s hot dogs! Thank you Universal for sending us these hot dogs straight from Chicago! They sent us every single ingredient and precise instructions on how to make them exactly like the famous dogs!

Go to my Instagram page to enter my digital code giveaway for The Marksman!



Good luck! And what did you think about my Chicago hot dog vendor outfit?! Can’t you picture me saying, “hot dogs, hot dogs, get ‘em while they’re hot!!!!” LOL

Watch the trailer below