The season finale of Secrets of Sulphur Springs

We made it to the season finale, and you better believe it is bittersweet. We finally get all the answers that we were looking for, but now we have more! We are completely mind blown and are left with the biggest cliffhanger ever!

Throughout the whole season, we each had our own theories and had so much fun discussing them with the kids. We were so proud when a lot of our theories were right, but none of us saw this one coming!

I do not want to give any spoilers whatsoever, so let us recap on the last episode.

Episode 10

Griffin and Harper figure out that the dial on the old radio that they found controls what year they travel to in time. They choose to go back to 1962 to find Savannah. Harper’s brother asks his mom Jess about his dad and they talk about memories and the day of the accident. In 1962 Griffin and Harper go to the Tremont and a worker tells them that Harper cannot come inside. Harper tells Griffin that it is because of the color of her skin. They discuss how it makes her feel and then shortly after find Savannah! Griffin and Harper tell Savannah the truth about who they are and ask her to come back to present time, but she chooses to stay in 1962. She has been adopted and loves her new family. She does not want to risk getting stuck in another year and lose her family, but she does think of a new plan to help put their parents’ guilt to rest.
Griffin and Harper go back to present time and convince Ben to come to the treehouse. They place a coffee can that Savannah and Ben used to use to pass messages to each other and they put a letter in it from Savannah. Savannah addressed it to Ben and said that she ran away and not to feel guilty. The letter worked and both Ben and Jess had closure.
The twins cannot locate any more cold spots at the Tremont and say the ghost is gone.
Griffin calls Harper and tells her that he thinks they should get rid of the radio so that no one else gets a hold of it. Harper seems reluctant and has been mentioning to her mom about how one little thing can change a whole life.
Ben’s parents seem to be on the same page now and decide to stay in Sulphur Springs and not move back to Chicago.
Harper leaves the next morning on her bike and sneaks into the Tremont to time travel. She wants to try and stop her dad from getting into the car accident.
Griffin’s parents give him the good news in the morning that they are not moving to Chicago and it makes his day, but when he calls Harper, she does not answer his call because she is in the past.
As the twins leave a room a rocking chair is seen rocking on its own!

We are then left to wonder who’s ghost it is! The season finale will reveal the answer and I do not think anyone can guess who it is. All our theories were way off!

Make sure to watch the finale tonight on Disney Channel at 8pm PST and come back so we can discuss what your new theories are!

To catch up on the biggest moments of the season watch the video below:

I felt like I went back in time to my childhood when Disney Channel sent us this adorable caboodle and radio. I am going to miss getting these awesome packages every Monday while we screen an episode and talk to the cast. I feel like we got to know these actors with our weekly chats and I am so sad that the season is over. This was such an amazing series and the first of its kind on Disney Channel. This is the first time in our family that we all enjoyed a series together and it helped us make unforgettable moments together. We had fun watching the show, eating the snacks, or baking the goodies that Disney sent us, chatting with the casts together with my kids and discussing our theories as a family. Only Disney can bring such magic into our lives. We are truly grateful for this wonderful experience.